Friday, November 14, 2014

Will breakthrough technology rescue the climate?

Bain Center is closed on November 20. Meeting has been rescheduled to:
Thursday, December 4, 2014, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

Frustrated with the inaction on climate change, the top innovators are taking matters into their own hand. Borrowing from the TED conference model, Goggle has started a "Solve for X" conference for innovators with big ideas, called moonshots, to pitch their ideas to investors. Like TED, Google has place these talks on the web so anyone can view them. The conference is for any big idea, but most of the talks were related to climate change. We will show these videos at our next meeting:

  1. A quick review of the 2014 conference
  2. The 2014 keynote talk by Ira Glass
  3. A 2013 talk by Bill Gross about cheap solar power that was referred to by Ira Glass
-------------------------------- Update 12/6/14 ----------------------

HERE is a link to the video about wind power innovation that was shown during the meeting.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Does the UN have the right Carbon target?

Thursday, November 13, 2014, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

The UN plan to address Climate Change is for the world to get to zero carbon emission by 2100 and keep global average temperature rise below 2 degrees C from the preindustrial era. This means that the carbon concentration needs to be kept below 450 ppm; we are currently at 400 ppm.

However, there is a belief by some very influential climate activists that say we are already past the safe limit and need to go back to 350 ppm. The 350 target was determined by perhaps the most famous climate scientist, James Hansen.

In our next Zoom-In meeting we will discuss climate science. We will start by viewing James Hansen's TED Talk

-------------------------------- Update 11/13/14 -------------------------------

Here are the links to the other videos that were shown at our meeting:

1) This video explains why cold winters are becoming more common with climate change.

2) HERE is the intro to the IPCC final report, which includes Ban Ki-moon the UN Secretary General.