Tuesday, April 30, 2019

New Zealand to Sri Lanka to California

Thursday, May 2, 2019, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

The live streaming of the New Zealand shooter last month may have worked. The bombings in Sri Lanka, two weeks ago, may have been in retaliation. This week a shooting in San Diego and a foiled plot in Los Angeles were also inspired by the New Zealand shooting.

We can hope that another New Zealand phenomenon will also spread, the rapid passing of gun control laws. Maybe the recent disarray at the NRA will help.

Here are the videos for the meeting:
------------------------------------ Updated 5/2/19 ---------------------------------

Here are the other videos shown at the meeting:

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Mueller Report Fallout

Thursday, April 25, 2019, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

For the next meeting. we will cover the release of the redacted Mueller Report and its aftermath. The aftermath is still playing out, so I will still be reviewing videos until the night before the meeting. But the immediate reaction to the report is capture in the following video:
-------------------------------- Updated 4/25/19 -----------------------------------

Here are the videos shown at the meeting:

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Trouble for Boeing and FAA

Thursday, April 18, 2019, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

The investigation into the Ethiopian Airlines crash on March 10 has led to a serious credibility problem for Boeing and the FAA. For our next meeting we will see how the story unfolded from the crash, to the groundings, to the investigations, to the hearings, to the assignment if blame, and to the lawsuits.

Before you come to the meeting, please watch this video which explains the underlying problem with the Boeing 737 max. We probably not have time to watch it during the meeting.
----------------------------------- Updated 4/18/19 --------------------------------------------

Here are the videos that were shown at the meeting:

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Meanwhile in Israel

Thursday, April 11, 2019, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

Today is the Israel Knesset elections which will determine if Netanyahu continues to serve as Prime Minister. The early exit polls shows a close race as expected. We may not know the winner when we meet on Thursday.

This is a good time to catch up on the events in Israel, not only the election but also the how Trump has emboldened Netanyahu to move further to the right concerning Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights in spite of his legal troubles. We will also explore Israel's recent rise as an global power in energy and technology.

I am still selecting the videos for the meeting.

--------------------------------------- Update 4/11/19 --------------------------------------------

Here are the videos shown at the meeting:

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tea Party of the Left

Thursday, April 4, 2019, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

AOC is not backing down from anything in the Green New Deal as seen HERE in an MSNBC town hall meeting. She insists that the "socialism" part of the GND is essential to her plan. She rejected the characterization of leading a Tea Party of the Left, because of the morality of her movement.

The GND was just one of several partisan battles that flared this week. We also saw the renewed battle to repeal Obamacare, the border crisis and the fight to release the Mueller Report. All this played into the narrative of Howard Schultz, who said that the two parties have become too radical and will run as a centrist third party candidate if the Democrats nominate someone like Bernie Sanders. This became more likely this week with the problems of Joe Biden.

For the next meeting, we will discuss if AOC is indeed leading a Tea Party of the Left and if Howard Schultz will enter the race and insure Trump's reelection. The AOC town hall is too long for the meeting so I will try to create a shorter version.

Here are the videos for Schultz and Biden:
------------------------------- Updated 4/3/19 ---------------------------------

Here is the shortened version of the AOC town hall on the GND:
------------------------------- Updated 4/4/19 ---------------------------------

Here is the other video shown at the meeting: