Saturday, September 14, 2013

Future Topics List, Draft

  1. Health
    1. ObamaCare, Scheduled for 9/19/13
    2. Increasing longevity, good or bad?
    3. High medical cost
  2. Foreign Policy
    1. End of Arab Spring, Egypt and Syria
    2. Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    3. Yemen and al-Qaida
  3. Security
    1. NSA surveillance and Internet privacy 
    2. Cyber Security
    3. Use of drones
  4. Politics
    1. Tax reform
    2. Guns in America
    3. Voting rights
  5. Education
    1. More respect for the teaching profession
    2. Public education, funding and student discipline
    3. High education cost, Internet alternatives
  6. Economy
    1. Causes and effects of income inequality
    2. Short term business incentives
    3. Taxes, subsidies and laws which favor the rich
  7. Social Conscience
    1. Criminal justice, prison population, mandatory sentencing
    2. Social conscience in hard times
    3. How society can shape an individual's conscience


  1. Education - Oregon is instituting a radical new way to pay for college. It will be free but students will pay back a percentage of their income for a certain number of years, as I recall. The hard years will be the first four. After that, it should work.

    Education - are you all aware that tuition in MD state and county colleges is free for Over-60? I have taken nearly a full load for a few years and am currently taking History from 1945 to the Present. One pays a 40$ registration fee, books, and any class costs (lab fees, e.g.). I have taken all the film classes, too. You can do as little of the work as you want.

  2. Oregon's plan re payment for college makes a lot of sense. Oregon is also an innovator in the management of Medicaid.
    Re selection of next topic: I suggest the Arab Spring (which has turned into Winter) and, since we are allowing two weeks now per topic, I would include the I-P issue. And I would be willing to lead the discussion.


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