Thursday, August 15, 2013

First Cut

The suggested topics have been summarized for discussion purpose. The topics are organized in two tiers, general topics and a subtopics. A general topic will be the focus of a single meeting. The subtopics will be points of discussion. If there is enough interest in a subtopic, it could become a general topic of a following meeting with subtopics of its own. So as a group  we will zoom-in on the topics which interest us.

Please leave comments or send email to add, clarify or rearrange any topic below.

Updated 8/24/13

▾ ☐ Education
   - ☐ Teaching profession
   - ☐ Selection of majors, how the match or influence personality
▾ ☐ Health
   - ☐ Aging
   - ☐ Increasing longevity
▾ ☐ Foreign Policy
   - ☐ Ways to reduce terrorism
   - ☐ Israeli-Palestinian conflict
   - ☐ Yemen and al-Qaida
▾ ☐ Politics
   - ☐ Immigration
   ▾ ☐ Abortion
       - ☐ To what extent men should be involved in the decision
       - ☐ Why not leave it a private matter
   ▾ ☐ Voting rights
       - ☐ The New Jim Crow
   - ☐ Guns in America
▾ ☐ Economy
   - ☐ Capitalism v. Socialism
   ▾ ☐ Globalization
       - ☐ Unemployment in the US and the world
       - ☐ Impact of imports on consumer goods
       - ☐ Efficiency vs service in retail
       - ☐ Effects on environment
   - ☐ Income inequity, shrinking middle class and social resentment
▾ ☐ Social Conscience
   ▾ ☐ Criminal justice, prison population, mandatory sentencing
       - ☐ Mandatory sentencing reform
   - ☐ Idealism
   - ☐ Ethical issues - medical, social, business, political, etc
   - ☐ Racism
   - ☐ Cultural, spiritual, and institutional problems facing the nation
   ▾ ☐ Inter-generational conversation
       - ☐ What would you do differently
       - ☐ What advice to give grandchildren
   - ☐ How society can shape an individual's conscience
   - ☐ How hard times shape social consciousness 
▾ ☐ Security
   - ☐ Defense concerns
   - ☐ Privacy
   - ☐ Drones
   - ☐ Wars, how they start, how to stop


  1. Your 'first cut" is helpful in organizing the suggested ideas for discussion.

  2. Agree with Hank. Nice job of organizing suggested topics, Mike.

    I would add, either as a subtopic of "Politics", or maybe under an additional topic covering a multiplicity of DOD or Defense concerns, the exploding use of drones.

    Also, maybe a "Privacy" topic that could embrace the full scope of collection and use of personal information, whether by governmant or others. Don't think this is totally exclusive of a drone discussion, except that drone use includes offensive anonomous weapon delivery.

  3. Ron, good suggestions. The topic of Drones could be under Politics, but it could also be under Social Conscience or even Economy. The topic of Privacy does not really fit under any of the current categories. So I created a new category, Security, to cover both. These topics are complex and any attempt to categorize them will be somewhat artificial. But I hope that the categories help more than they hurt.

  4. Thanks for organizing.
    I can't get my head into these - they are pretty general. What appeals to me is something more specific but I can't think of anything! Sorry

  5. I as we progress, the topics will get more specific. Right now the topic list should help you think of more specific issues. For example, if I see that there is interest in Aging, I might ask how America will possibly care for all the aging baby boomers.


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