Friday, November 29, 2013

Drones and Robots

Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013, 9am to 10:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

For our next two meeting, we will explore the use of drones and robots, starting with the military and then migrating to commercial applications. The first meeting will focus on the increasing use of drones in combat and the possibility of autonomous drones that can kill without a human operator.  We will use the following TED Talks to start off the discussion:
Here is an excerpt from P.W. Singer's book, Wired for War:
When thinking about all this in the context of war, it is easy to see the attraction of building increasing levels of autonomy into military robots. The more autonomy a robot has, the less human operators have to support it. As one Pentagon report put it, “Having a dedicated operator for each robot will not pass the common sense test.” If robots don’t get higher on the autonomy scale, they don’t yield any cost or manpower savings. Moreover, it is incredibly difficult to operate a robot while trying to interpret and use the information it gathers. It can even get dangerous as it’s hard to operate a complex system while maintaining your own situational awareness in battle.

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