Thursday, December 12, 2013

Planning for Next Year

Thursday, Dec. 19, 2013, 9am to 10:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

As we look back on our first four months and plan for next year, we should think of what worked and what we could do differently. To make our group successful, I need your input. You can make suggestions at our next meeting, or even better, share your ideas as a comment on this blog. You can make suggestions or comment on past meetings, including:

  • New topics or themes
  • Old topic we would like to revisit
  • Showing a movie
  • Using many short You Tube videos 
  • Using a few TED Talks
  • Using read aloud Kindle books
We need suggestions on how to make it easier to give people the opportunity to lead discussions. In any case, I will be away on travel on 2/20/14 and 3/6/14, so there will be two opportunities coming up.

If you feel that the group should set goals, here is your chance to start a discussion. As for my goals, they are best expressed in this TED talk.


  1. From Ken:

    I can’t make the Dec. 19 meeting, which is about planning for future discussions. I’ve also got conflicts on Dec. 26 (if we’re meeting then). January 9 and 23.
    As for what kinds of topics would be of interest to me and/or where I could possibly be a discussion leader:
    My educational background is in Political Science and I follow closely elections and legislation. I’ve tracked state legislation for fifty years now and have a fairly good idea of what bills will come up year after year. My special legislative interests (at all levels of government) concern the First Amendment and how it applies or how I think it should apply to matters or church-state relations and freedom of expression (both with regard to what you, as an individual, can say or do), the equal protection of the laws, voting rights, gun control, and reform issues.
    With regard to elections, I’m fairly well aware of where the close elections will be in primaries (of both parties) and general elections at the federal level, in each legislative district in Maryland, and in Howard County locally.
    Otherwise, I’m happy to sit back and listen.

    1. The topic of local politics might fit well under Tim's discussion area. We don't need to stick to Howard County; we could discuss the importance of local politics no matter where it is.

  2. From Polly:

    I will be there next week, on the 19th. I would like to tell you all about a great course at HCC - history since 1945. The text is only 17$.
    I can also give a presentation on Afghanistan at the drop of a hat.

    1. Sounds interesting; we can explore your offer next Thursday.

  3. I would like to revisit the Israeli-Palestinian issue, since I didn't get to finish my presentation before.


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