Thursday, January 22, 2015

Can National Governments Fix Climate Change?

Thursday, January 29, 2015, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

We have seen how the capitalist model can create climate solutions, but it can also lead to increased inequality. Naomi Klein said that a climate solution based on capitalism cannot be trusted and called for a people's movement to force bold government action. But can government, particularly at the national level, really fix climate change?

When Obama took office in 2009, there was massive federal spending on clean energy as part of the stimulus bill. According to this 60 Minutes episode, thing did not work out as advertised.  But was this because government is inherently inept, or was it because the US federal government is broken? We may find the answer in this talk by Al Gore about China's energy policy.

-------------------------------- Update 1/31/15 ----------------------

1) Here is a link to Al Gore's website, 24 Hours of Reality, where you can find videos of the other 23 reasons for hope on Climate Change.

2) Here is a link to the video that was shown at the meeting about China's conventional nuclear power program.

3) Here is an article about China's research into the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor, TMSR. China is funding the research, but US scientists are participating. This may be the best hope yet that there is a solution to Climate Change.

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