Friday, April 3, 2015

Zoom-in on Privacy, Pan to Cuban Doctors

Thursday, April 9, 2015, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

In the last meeting, we discussed privacy concerns due to government surveillance. But private companies gather much more of our personal data to do targeted marketing. As the saying goes, if the product is free, than you are the product. But since private companies cannot arrest us, should we be concern?

In the first hour of our meeting, the Zoom-In, we will explode the myth that our personal data is safe with private companies. This talk by Gary Kovacs demonstrates the how companies track your web browsing even if you don't provide any information. This talk by Christopher Soghoian, explains how companies, if asked, must turn over your personal data to the government. If these talks don't scare you, maybe this second talk by Christopher Soghoian will. Please note that there will not be enough time to show both Soghoian"s talks at the meeting. I will show the last video, so please watch at least the first Soghoian video before coming.

In the meeting's last half hour, the Pan, we will review a talk about Cuban doctors, which is the last of the five suggested five videos to be explored. There are actually two topics in this video that we could use for future discussion. The first is about our own healthcare system when compares to Cuba; the other is about the normalization of US-Cuban relations.

Here is a challenge. While the Zoom-In and Pan portions of our meeting are not suppose the be related, it is interesting to think of a way they might be. So can you think of a way that privacy can be related to Cuban doctors?  I'll let you know what I think at the meeting; see you there.

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