Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Much Needed Discussion

Thursday, July 2, 2015, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

We will conclude our discussion on the race issue in our country. Sherman will lead the discussion. Unfortunately, I will be away on travel so there will be no video at the meeting. But this is a good thing, because there will be more opportunity to voice your opinions.

As always, you are invited to leave comments on this blog to share your opinions with everyone.


  1. Did you know that Howard County has a road and a school named after someone noted for expressions of racism in some of his words and deeds? The road is Gorman Road (which stretches in a long and winding way between Routes 1 and 29 just south of Route 32) and the school is Gorman Crossing Elementary (which is located just south of that road in Emerson). The honored person was the late Arthur Pue Gorman, who represented Maryland in the US Senate for over 20 years in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. For documentation of Gorman's words and deeds, read especially what is printed under "Elected politician" about Gorman printed in this wikipedia link:
    Is this someone who deserves having a road and a school named after him in our county? Fortunately, some southern states have gotten the message about the racist symbolism of the Confederate flag and are removing it from public property. They don't really need it. Do we really need to continue to honor the name of Arthur Pue Gorman by having a Howard County road and school named after him?

    1. Ignore the extra "printed" in one sentence. I hate making such mistakes.

  2. For sure Ken, these "bitterly reminded" instances can only make it harder to achieve a "post-racial" society. In this case, you have to drive by it, i.e., the School; and as to the Road, drive down it . . . . No, we really don't need it . . . .Thanks


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