Thursday, August 27, 2015

Student Loan Debt

Thursday, September 3, 2015, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

Student loan debt now exceeds 1.2 trillion dollars. Is has been a problem for a number of years and is a major issue for the 2016 presidential race, at least on the Democrat side. However, main stream media continues to focus on the "horse race", so the issues get lost. We can do better.

For our next meeting, we will examine the full scope of the problem, and some of the incremental solutions that have been implemented by Obama, mostly by executive order. Our discussion will use the following videos for background:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Energy Efficiency

Thursday, August 27, 2015, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

Energy efficiency is expected to play a large role in the EPA Clean Power Plan, see our previous meeting. Maryland has plans to shut down some of it coal fired electric plants to meet its EPA mandated carbon reductions. Unless we find ways to use our electricity more efficiently, our rates will surely go up.

Of all the carbon reduction actions, efficiency is the one that we will have the most personal experience with. While we don't know yet what Maryland plans to do, we can talk about how energy efficiency affects us globally and personally.

Al Gore explains how global energy efficiency can contribute to stop climate change. Alex Laskey tells us how to use psychology to make us conserve more. Catherine Mohr shares her over-the-top energy accounting.

There are also some down sides. The Conundrum is a book which claims that energy efficiency will just let us consume more. Aim High, by Thorium advocate Robert Hargraves, explains what is really needed to reverse climate change, (warning this is a long talk and only a small part will be shown at the meeting).

---------------------------------------------- 8/27/15 update -----------------------------------------------------

Here link to videos shown at the meeting not listed above:

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Iran Deal

Thursday, August 20, 2015, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

Next week we will discuss the Iran Deal, which has long been in the news but is about to get a lot more attention as we approach the votes in the House and Senate in September. We will show clips from videos which explore aspects of the deal and its political ramifications.  Here is a partial list:
  • A brief history of Iran's nuclear program and the conditions of the deal, Warning this video gets a little political in some areas.
  • Obama's July 14 announcement of the final deal and the threatened veto
  • Ernest Moniz and the expected media barrage
  • Obama's August 5 address to American University, answering the critics to the deal
  • Maryland's Ben Cardin, possibly the most critical undecided vote
  • Marco Rubio's bluntness on how the deal will ultimately be decided
------------------------- Updated 8/20/15 --------------------------

Here are links to the other videos shown at the meeting:
  • John Oliver - Selling the Iran deal back home
  • Israel's Netanyahu urges 'better deal' over Iran nuclear program
  • The President Holds a Press Conference on the Nuclear Deal with Iran
  • Barack Obama interview with Jon Stewart
  • Boehner on Obama Presenting 'False Choice' on Iran
  • Kerry on Why Reinstating Sanctions is a Bad Idea
  • NPR interview with Obama on Iran Deal
  • Morgan Freeman and others explain the Iran Deal

Friday, August 7, 2015

EPA's Clean Power Plan

Thursday, August 13, 2015, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

We will discuss Obama's Clean Power Plan, how it can lead to a solution to climate change, how it will survive the legal challenges, how it will affect the 2016 presidential elections and how it will affect Maryland. Because this is breaking news there is no single TED Talk you can view ahead of time. Instead, I am looking at YouTube videos as they become available and posting the ones I find interesting.
--------------------------- Updated 8/24/15 ----------------------

Here is a link to the clip of Obama's Anger Translator at the WHCD.

Also during the meeting the Scott Walker clip above was not shown. This clip of Roy Blunt was shown instead.