Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Iran Deal

Thursday, August 20, 2015, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

Next week we will discuss the Iran Deal, which has long been in the news but is about to get a lot more attention as we approach the votes in the House and Senate in September. We will show clips from videos which explore aspects of the deal and its political ramifications.  Here is a partial list:
  • A brief history of Iran's nuclear program and the conditions of the deal, Warning this video gets a little political in some areas.
  • Obama's July 14 announcement of the final deal and the threatened veto
  • Ernest Moniz and the expected media barrage
  • Obama's August 5 address to American University, answering the critics to the deal
  • Maryland's Ben Cardin, possibly the most critical undecided vote
  • Marco Rubio's bluntness on how the deal will ultimately be decided
------------------------- Updated 8/20/15 --------------------------

Here are links to the other videos shown at the meeting:
  • John Oliver - Selling the Iran deal back home
  • Israel's Netanyahu urges 'better deal' over Iran nuclear program
  • The President Holds a Press Conference on the Nuclear Deal with Iran
  • Barack Obama interview with Jon Stewart
  • Boehner on Obama Presenting 'False Choice' on Iran
  • Kerry on Why Reinstating Sanctions is a Bad Idea
  • NPR interview with Obama on Iran Deal
  • Morgan Freeman and others explain the Iran Deal

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