Friday, December 4, 2015

The Way From Paris

Thursday, December 10, 2015, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

With the Paris COP21 Summit, climate change is getting a lot more attention, but mostly in the form of criticism. The right says it is naive, while the left says it is inadequate. Obama had to find a realistic path in spite of a hostile Congress and an uninformed electorate. 

In our next meeting, we will view excerpts from Obama's press conference before he left Paris. Here he carefully explains why he expects an agreement in Paris will lead to a solution to the climate crisis.

-------------------------------- Updated 12/10/15 ----------------------------

Here are the additional videos shown at the meeting:

1 comment:

  1. At today's session on climate, it was noted that the media use Bill Nye as the lone scientist who adheres to the idea that climate change is man-made. He is outnumbered by several people who claim this is not so. However, there are 97 scientists who could have stood alongside Bill Nye. It would make a tremendous impression were they all to appear against the several climate deniers.
    This reminds me of media reports on people killed in the Israeli-Palestine conflict. If an Israeli is killed by a Palestinian, he is identified in the media, with perhaps even a picture of family mourning the death. Were this to happen each time a Palestinian is killed, it would/should have a similar effect as the climate challenge. Dory


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