Friday, April 22, 2016

Autism Diversity

Thursday, April 28, 2016, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

Autism has touched many of us, including some in our group. The perceived autism epidemic was blamed on vaccines; we now know otherwise. There is wide diversity among autistics. High functioning autistics have succeeded because of their condition. As for the rest, new research and technology offer hope.

For this meeting we will view these TED Talks about autism:
  • Steve Silberman traces the history of autism, how it was always there but hidden
  • Temple Grandin is a successful autistic who say we need the diversity that autistic provide
  • Wendy Chung summarizes our current understanding of autism and hope for the future


  1. Just a note on Temple Grandin. I'm sure you have heard there is a movie out about her and she came to HCC a few years ago to speak on autism. I had first heard about her in grad school at Minnesota. I was in Poultry Husbandry and attended the AnSci seminars. She was in Beef Cattle (in Illinois, I think).


  3. HERE is the story that Norm referred to about treating autism with electrical stimulation.


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