Friday, July 22, 2016

2016 RNC

Thursday, July 28, 2016, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

We will review the 2016 Republican National Convention. Much has happened, so it is hard to pick which, if any, of the events are significant. Please add a comment to this blog post to let us know which RNC topic you would like to cover. I'll try to locate a matching YouTube video.


  1. something re the insertion of God and religion into politics. Some churches should be losing their tax-free status because of preaching on elections.

    1. We will talk about the religious right support of Trump. It will be interesting to see if Ted Cruz can peel off some of their support of Trump.

  2. Follow the link to an informative 15 minute Meet the Press interview with Donald Trump.


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