Friday, December 9, 2016

Post-Truth vs Truthiness

Thursday, December 15, 2016, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

The last election was not only short on issues; it was also loose with the truth and the voters did not seem to care. Have we entered new era of 'post-truth', or is it just a continuation of politics bending the truth, sometime called 'truthiness'. We will examine if we have hit a new low in truth, or if it is just more of the same with the following videos:
------------------------------------- Updated 12/15/16 -----------------------------------------------

Here are the other videos shown at the meeting:


  1. Human beings have probably always been selective in what they perceive to be established truth, and modern, profit-seeking media, as well as most successful politicians, have conformed to this predisposition while claiming to do otherwise. However, what may be different about the Trump phenomenon is that he and many of his surrogates have largely conformed to this same pattern but have jettisoned any attempt to pretend otherwise. They openly embrace deception and get away with it because they have created a narrative, a story that resonates with what many Americans want badly to believe. And as long as Trump and company can sustain their credibility as guardians of this story, they will likely maintain support, regardless of how often they deny objective truths. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    1. Trump's stories were so crazy, that only true believers would support him. Small wonder that his supporters dismissed any news that challenged their belief. Trump is like religion where faith is more important than fact.


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