Sunday, March 12, 2017


Thursday, March 16, 2017, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

The debate to repeal and replace ObamaCare has started in earnest. The replacement, proposed by Paul Ryan, is on the table and has been named TrumpCare by the press. Trump supports Ryan's plan but not the nickname.

Just like everything else with Trump, things are moving fast; so I will wait until Thursday morning to make the final selection of videos. For now here are some videos to provide background:

Here are the additional video shown at the meeting:


  1. I just watched the Sean Spicer Show - the press conference. I can't figure out the difference between deficit and debt (even looked it up). And 'budget' vs 'authorization' vs 'appropriation.' Thanks.

    1. Deficit is the amount that the government borrowed in a given year. Debt is the total that the government owes. Budget is the overall spending plan. Authorization is the permission to spend on a specific task. Appropriation is the slice of the budget given to a specific agency.

  2. This link might be useful to add magnitude to titles. If you arrow a heading a definition will pop up.


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