Saturday, May 27, 2017

Man vs Machine

Thursday, June 1, 2017, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

Humankind has suffered another defeat in its battle against machines. Today, Google's AlphaGo swept a three games series against the world's best Go player, Ke Jie. AlphaGo also beat a team of 5 top ranked Go players in an exhibition match. Google has retired AlphaGo from matches with humans, since there is no challenge. HERE is a video which provides historical background, from Chess to Jeopardy to Go. For our next meeting, we will discuss if people are needed anymore. Here are the videos:


  1. Increased automation in the workplace and how that will affect future job prospects is an interesting topic that is being discussed all over the world. Also being discussed is the universal income as a solution to the problem of robots taking over for humans. Switzerland discussed the prospect of giving almost $2000/month to all residents in the legislature a couple of years ago, but voted it down. Finland has been conducting a more modest benefit program experiment with similar principles for the last couple of years.
    Some of the controversies include: will peoples still work, what will people do with their time if they don't have to work as much, how will a program be funded long term, will industry have any motivation to stop the degradation of working conditions/pay if they know that there is a safety net (kind of like how Walmart workers can be on Medicaid and collecting food stamps while working 40hrs/week,) how unions will be affected, among others. European nations have much stronger unions so these may be questions more valid there, but still issues.
    The Guardian newspaper has had a couple of articles discussing the topic fairly thoroughly.
    "Finland Basic Universal Income, a Solution for Automation, Fewer Jobs, and Lower Wages"
    "Finland Trial Basic Income for Unemployed"
    I would link it to you if I could, but I think you will be able to find it.

    1. These are good points. HERE is the Guardian article on Finland's basic income.


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