Monday, July 17, 2017

The Donald Trump Jr. Emails

Thursday, July 20, 2017, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

Yes, we will talk about the Donald Trump Jr. emails. At first, this story seemed to be another tempest that would blow over. But then on Friday, while Trump was in France for Bastille Day, the story broke that there was also a former Russian spy in the meeting, that Trump Jr. had not mentioned. So the story continued over the weekend and into this week. With Jared Kushner's security clearance in jeopardy, the story has least a few more days to play.

Here are the videos for the coverage before Friday:
There are a lot more videos to cover the events since Friday. The videos will be selected before our meeting.

--------------------------------- Updated 7/20/17 -------------------------------

Here are the other videos shown at the meeting:

1 comment:

  1. While the problems with the current administration are many, there is a fundamental flaw in giving political power to people driven by the need to make a profit. Adam Smith, the father of free-market economics, warned us in 1776 not to give political power to such folks because their interests do not necessarily align with those of the general public. That warning was forgotten or ignored pretty early on in the US, but ignoring a fundamental truth does not make it magically disappear. That is, even if those who live by profits are of sterling character, Smith told us they should not be given political power for it is unrealistic to expect that they will elevate the public good over their own. The Trumps are simply doing what the Trumps do best and it is precisely what Smith predicted in The Wealth of Nations. Other politicians have been doing it for years. The Trumps just happen to be inept at masking it, or perhaps even unconscious of the need to do so.


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