Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Thursday, August 31, 2017, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

We would have had a full news week even without Hurricane Harvey, but the epic proportion of the flooding caused by Harvey on the Houston area has made every thing else seem minor. So for our next meeting we will focus on Harvey even though the storm may continue beyond Thursday.

All the problems of Harvey were predicted by the weather models before it hit on Friday. In our first video, below, Shepard Smith does an excellent analysis of how the flood formed, but he leaves out any mention of climate change. The climate models have been predicting the rise of stalled weather patterns causing more floods and droughts. The second video is a repeat from this April about the Potsdam study which showed how climate change led to increased flooding. The third video shows that even worse flooding is now happening in South Asia.

HERE is a website which records the major flooding events around the world. Harvey is the latest entry; the South Asia flood is the entry before that. There are 170 other entries for the past 12 months.

---------------------------------------- Updated 8/31/17 -------------------------------------

Here are the other videos shown at the meeting:

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