Tuesday, January 2, 2018

It's Cold!

Thursday, January 4, 2018, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)
Meeting cancelled due to inclement weather

It looks like the record setting cold will continue beyond our meeting. So for those that can make we will discuss Trump's tweet about the cold which mocked climate change. 

Here are the videos for the meeting:


  1. In that we didn't get to meet today, here's a thought that might nevertheless stimulate some interests. “… the real names of global warming are Waste and Greed …” (Wendell Berry 2008). While Berry's observation may be restating the obvious, debate nevertheless tends to focus on science. Perhaps we might bring discussion closer to reality, if not resolution, by focusing on what the debate is really about ... money and who gets it.

    1. Which means that climate change will not be solved until there is a zero carbon energy source that is cheaper than fossil fuels. A technology break-through is needed. Is the Paris Agreement needed as a market signal to stimulate innovation? Bjorn Lomborg say no; Bill Gates says yes.


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