Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Double Doomsday

Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

In the next few days, we are facing two doomsday scenarios, Covid-19 and Bernie Sanders. The eruption of Covid-19 in Italy, Iran and South Korea has set the stock market into a panic. In a few days we will know if the virus has been contained or if it has turned into a pandemic. HERE is a website where you can monitor the spread of the virus.

As for Bernie Sanders, if he does well in the South Carolina Primary on Saturday, he will be the favorite on Super Tuesday and may be unstoppable. The debate tonight may be the last chance to stop him.

For this Thursday's meeting, we will cover the anticipation of this double doomsday. We will cover the results the following meeting on March 5.

---------------------------------------- Updated 2/27/20 ------------------------------------------

Here are the videos shown at the meeting (we also included a feel good story to the mix):


  1. Apparently you have prejudged that Bernie Sanders would be a doomsday candidate; why? I personally think he goes too far left, but he is the only one who has had the courage to suggest that not only Israelis, but also Palestinians, should be able to be free and in charge of their lives.

  2. Although I believe Bernie Sanders has made at least one tactical error in a statement, I'm counting on Donald Trump's many lies and dictatorial manner to be a bigger negative for his gang than whatever missteps are made by whoever eventually becomes the Democratic Party's presidential nominee. In short, I think it's going to a Trump or no Trump election. It won't be settled in Maryland, whose electoral votes will surely go to whoever is the Democrat, but in the twelve or so battleground states. Hopefully, the Democratic nominee will choose a running mate who doesn't alienate amyone (including me). If that happens (and regardless of which candidate on stage tonight gets the nomination), I'll go all out in supporting that team. The thought of Trump as president (or dictator in his own mind) for another four years should be enough to scare the vast majority of voters.

  3. I am waiting. As much as I'd like to see Warren as Veep, I think it (VP) will go to a geographical candidate, perhaps Klobuchar. I actually see flaws in all the Democratic candidates but some of those flaws reflect my biases. I will wait and see what the fallout produces.


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