Tuesday, April 21, 2020

An Earth Day Like No Other

Tomorrow is Earth Day. So while we are in lockdown because of the global pandemic, we are reminded of climate change, the other global catastrophe that we are facing. On Earth Day you expect progressives to promote green energy as the replacement for fossil fuels. But perhaps the most famous progressive film maker, Michael Moore, has just released a documentary attacking green energy. This movie is available free (for 30 days) online:
Moore's film not only exposes green energy's technical weakness, but also the hypocrisy of its supporters. Green energy was pushed as a solution to climate change to profit the same big corporations that the environmentalists opposed. Moore does not offer alternative solutions, except to say that we need to change our life style.

What's next? Well there is a open online forum tomorrow on Earth Day.
There will be a live event Wednesday evening, April 22nd at 10:00 pm EDT / 7:00 pm PDT featuring a live discussion and Q&A with Moore & Gibbs and viewers from around the world across YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.


  1. The movie attacked Bill McKibben, Al Gore, Richard Branson, Robert Kennedy Jr. and Michael Boomberg, but not Bernie Sanders, who Micheal Moore supported for president. There was a scene in the movie, at 52:45, that showed a wood burning plant in Burlington VT. The film did not mention that Bernie Sanders used wood burning to claim 100% renewable energy for Burlington while he was mayor.

  2. WOW!!!!!!! "Humans are experiencing the planet's limits all at once." I notice they didn't even mention nuclear as an energy possibility, unless it was after the one hour point. Population was mentioned as a catalyst for all this disaster. Maybe the coronovirus is nature's way of dealing with this. My parents lived through the Spanish flu, but the population was much smaller then, esp. having just gone through a world war. (I personally would like to see the Bain Center open, so that we could see this video together on Thursday. If everyone wore a mask and didn't touch anyone else, would this not work? And if it didn't, are we just postponing the inevitable?) Maybe we have strayed too far from Nature. (maybe I should have watched the rest of it before commenting ....)

    1. The movie did not mention nuclear energy, except that it condemned all technical fixes. It shows that Moore does not understand what it will take to solve climate change. The earth is already warming too quickly from the CO2 we already emitted. We need negative emissions at a scale that only can be provided by nuclear energy.

  3. From Dory,

    Hi Mike,

    What a downer! It looks like nothing can sustain us other than a decrease in population, so that we don’t then have to ravage Nature so much. I can’t believe that someone actually thought that burning trees was a solution to the problem. Loved the “Blood and Gore.” This is a very important film which should somehow be shown to a wider audience.


    1. The movie is free on YouTube for the next 30 days, it got about 300K views in just one day. Yet mainstream media has not yet reported this release. That could change if the number of views get into the millions. At that point it will be hard for mainstream media to ignore it.


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