Sunday, September 1, 2013


Wayne made an excellent case for Education as a topic of discussion,
One of the very much discussed and in the news at present is the status of our educational system.  I believe that it has been discussed and commented on by president Obama.  It is very interesting to read some of the accounts of the teachers that volunteered for the Teach For America program.  I don’t want to get into the details now, but anyone who has had some teaching experience certainly knows that it has been a thankless job as far as compensation goes.  Of course, there can be other rewards besides money that may come from the teaching profession.  One of them is keeping up with latest topics and also the feeling that you have helped someone acquire the skills and attitudes for a fulfilled lifetime in their trek through this life experience as it is surely going to be quite a challenge (coping with global climate change, food resources for an expanding world population).
Skye had an interesting variation,
Why do some people major in/work in the liberal arts, the social sciences, the hard sciences? I have found some scientists who also are talented in music or something like that but not as many musicians, etc., who have a science as an avocation (other than astronomy or birdwatching). Does a certain major change one? 

Here is a TED Talk about how teachers motivate their students. We might also reflect on how a teacher help us choose our own majors.


  1. Great stuff. I always keep doing research on education & career field. While searching online, I found your blog is very useful for the people those looking for a bright career. In short, I can say that it can help people on taking right decision at right time when it comes to education.

  2. When it comes to education, select the course or diploma based on market demand and your own interest. Also you can grab high paying jobs by doing Advanced Diploma courses.

    Thank you for sharing such an amazing post on education.


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