Thursday, September 12, 2013

First Meeting Followup

Thank you all for participating in the organizational meeting. Here are the main points.

1) The group decided that next week's discussion will be on Health, particularly ObamaCare. Here is the blog page for Health that was setup to share any background information. You can also suggest related heath topics which we can discuss if we run out of things to say about ObamaCare or be saved for another meeting.

2) I apologize for not asking if anyone wants to volunteer to lead the discussion on ObamaCare. So here is your opportunity to be the first and show us how its done. Otherwise, it defaults to me.

3) Here are the things I promised to post that will be forthcoming
  a) A more detailed description of the roles
  b) A list of suggested links on how to find out stuff on the Internet
  c) The additional subtopics that were suggested

4) It was suggested that we start the meeting by addressing unfinished business. So, please let me know if something needs to be covered at the start of the next meeting.

5) It was also suggested that we encourage participation by polling everyone after unfinished business. So we don't unduly pressure anyone, we would state that it is okay to pass. We can try it at the next meeting to see if people like it.

6) For those that came in late, this TED video about starting movements was shown. For those that saw the video, do you like to see more videos in future meetings? It was suggested that we have a time filler at the beginning of the meeting to allow for late arrivals, since we start a 9am. Perhaps the video could fill that role. What do you think?

7) Our procedures are flexible. What we did this morning was just to get started, but can be changed. Please feel free to make suggestion on how we can improve our process.

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