Friday, October 3, 2014

Schedule for 2014Q4

Here are the themes for October to December:

  • October - Political issues ahead of the November 4 elections
  • November - Climate Change issues leading to the UN Climate Conference in December
  • December - Unfinished business, covering leftover issues and trying new ideas of future themes


  1. December? We talked about talking about Diana Nyad. Another person was brought up - the book, Unbroken, about a WW2 fellow, Zamborini (or something like that). I was at Barnes and Noble this afternoon and they had a whole table of the book about him. Sounds interesting! But so does Diana Nyad.

    1. The reason I suggested Diane Nyad is because there is a good TED Talk. This life story is about swimming, but is more about persistence which we all can relate to.


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