Friday, October 7, 2016

Police Under Fire

Thursday, October 13, 2016, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

We will conclude our Broken Windows series with a look at police misbehavior. While recent events seem to indicate that the situation is out of control, the underlying problems have been identified since Ferguson. Obama has taken steps to solve the problem, but it will take time. Until Obama's reforms are enacted, communities have taken action with program like CopWatch. These are the videos that we will review:


  1. I should have mentioned at the last meeting that police sometimes now frisk a driver they stop, for their own protection. I have seen oodles of YouTube videos that show why - the stopped driver had a weapon that he then pulled on the officer. It is probably a jurisdictional routine or possibly up the officer's discretion. This also came up in my Criminology course this morning.

    And I just read that several politicians have called for the resignation of the HoCo Sherrif. . . .

    1. And, on a lighter note, my friend, who is from St. Louis, MO, recently bought a house in Ferguson. She is an O-6, GS-15 - she thought it was a good deal for 5K$. It turned out to have previously been a meth lab but she turned it 60 days later for a 15% profit. . . .

    2. Thanks for the tip. I found an article about the HoCo Sheriff

    3. The latest


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