Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Choice, Part 2

Thursday, October 27, 2016, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

We will continue discussion of the 2016 election with the Frontline's The Choice 2016. We will pickup where we left off from the last meeting, 24:30 into the video.

Last meeting, I recommended the you watch the Al Smith Dinner. For those that missed it you can watch it in its entirety HERE.


  1. Two glasses of wine at each place - red and white! Both Trump and Hillary told some jokes that didn't go over well but Hillary's speech was really quite good. Milani was there but not Bill.

  2. Where are the Kennedy's in all this? I asked the same question during the Freddie Gray outlash in Baltimore - where was Wes Moore? (that would be a good topic) I guess the stakes are just too high that damage will be done?

  3. And what will be the result if one doesn't vote for Hillary? for Trump? for one of the other two major minor candidates?

    1. In Maryland, it probably will not matter. As for the other states, it is only a question of how big the electoral margin. Right now the goal for Hillary is to get above 400; she will need Texas.

  4. Am I missing something? Nice for her to get 400, but obviously she doesn't need that number . . . .Would though provide her with considerable leverage to have that number in her pocket . . .

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I came across this quote from Louis Brandeis in an article by Lewis Lapham in Harper's last November: "We must make our choice. We have democracy, or we have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." So here are a couple of questions we might ponder: Is there reason to believe that any candidate in the race genuinely subscribes to Justice Brandeis' view? And, has any candidate made a convincing case that they wish to disperse this concentration and usher in democracy?


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