Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Puerto Rico and Dominica

Thursday, September 28, 2017, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

With so much of the attention on Trump's feud with the NFL, it seemed that the US had forgotten about the suffering in Puerto Rico hit by hurricane Maria. But once Monday Night Football was over, Puerto Rico became the focus of attention. Trump said he would visit Puerto Rico next week. In spite of what Trump said, Puerto Rico was not hit by the full furry of Maria. As devastating as it was, Maria had degraded to a Cat 4, before it made landfall. 

Two days earlier, on the evening before Trump's America First speech at the UNGA, Maria hit the island nation of Dominica as a Cat 5. The entire island was devastated and the Prime Minister of Dominica went to the UNGA to appeal for world aid.

Here are the videos for this meeting:
--------------------------------------------- Updated 9/28/17 ------------------------------

Here are the other Videos show at the meeting:

Also we talked much of the earthquakes which occurred during the hurricanes, both in Mexico and Japan. HERE is an article which links earthquakes and volcanic eruptions  to hurricanes and typhoons, and to climate change.

1 comment:

  1. I will not be with you as you view and discuss this week but the Dominica PM's speech to the General Assembly was fantastic!


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