Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Reckoning - Mueller, Whitefish and Virginia

Thursday, November 2, 2017, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

The Trump brand was seriously tarnished this week. On Monday, Special Councel Mueller released the first three indictments in the Russian investigation. One of the targets, has pleaded guilty and is cooperating with the investigation. Meanwhile in Puerto Rico, the grid repair contract awarded to Whitefish Energy has exposed blatant corruption with possible links to Trump. This investigation is just starting, but the leaked contract foreshadows a major scandal. How the voters react to this, will be reflected in the Virginia gubernatorial election next week.  Here are the videos for the meeting:
------------------------------ Updated 11/2/17 ----------------------------------

Here are the other videos shown at the meeting:


  1. What is the difference between voiding and cancelling a contract?

    1. Good question. Voiding a contract means that the contract was invalid to begin with and none of its provisions need be followed. Cancelling a contract means that the contract was valid but allowed cancellation if certain provisions are met. For the Whitefish contract it means partial payment is required.

  2. Whitefish, Montana - a very tiny town with few traffic lights. I grew up about 4 hours west of there and we always associated Whitefish with skiing like we, here, think of Ocean City and the boardwalk in the summertime. People think nothing of driving 4 hours for a weekend of snow skiing - Flathead country and near Glacier.

    1. Richard Spencer tried to make Whitefish his home, but was driven out by the locals. see THIS.


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