Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Government Shutdown

Thursday, January 10, 2019, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

For the next meeting, we will discuss the government shutdown, both the current state of affairs and the more general sense of the disfunction of our government. The current shutdown is still a developing story so I will delay the selection of a video for it. But the more general government dysfunction has been around a long time, so there is no lack of video material. Is the problem Trump, or the way we implement democracy, or democracy itself. Here are three videos which expounds on each of these possibilities.
--------------------------------------- Updated 1/10/19 -------------------------------------

Here are the other videos shown at he meeting:


  1. Shouldn't the subject line refer to the meeting on 10 Jan rather than 8 Jan?

  2. January 8 is the day when the blog post was entered. The Blog post gives the date of the meeting which is January 10.


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