Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Trump vs Iran

Thursday, June 20, 2019, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

For the next meeting, we will talk about how Trump's sanctions on Iran could  lead to conflict or a realignment of world alliances.  It may even end the dominance of the US Dollar. We will focus on the recent attacks on the two tankers in the Persian Gulf and how the US is trying to blame Iran.

Here are the videos for the meeting:
------------------------------------- Updated 6/20/19 -----------------------------------

Here are the other videos show at the meeting:

1 comment:

  1. Iran would certainly be within its rights to attack the US, but it does not have the power. Some examples of provocation: 1) The US is reneging on its agreement with Iran re nuclear power. 2) The is imposing such onerous economic sanctions on Iran, so as to, acc. to a recent article in the NYTimes, constitute an act of war. Iran is not allowed to fight back on pain of being attacked militarily. 3) The US and Israel have interfered in Iran's affairs; eg., Stuxnet. 4) the US supported, and even promoted, Iraq's devastating war on Iran in 1980. 5) the US shot down an Iranian Airbus, killing all 290 people aboard in July 1988. 6) the US continually threatens Iran for supporting Hezbollah and Hamas, two organizations which attempt to curtail Israel's expansionism. Iran does not claim any territory for itself in this endeavor, as does Israel, which has destabilized the whole region with its incursions into neighboring countries, including annexaction of the Golan Heights, and threatened annexation of the remaining 20% of Palestine. The only reason for the US to attack Iran is at the behest of Israel, which is something the US pays a lot of asttention to. A recent cartoon in the NYTimes (since pulledf) shows Trump, wearing a yarmulke, being being along by Netanyahu. It does appear thatthe US consistently does Israel's bedding and, according to Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense: "Israel is an ungrateful ally who gives the U.S. nothing in return for the massive amount of aid and high tech intel that we give them." Iran could possibly be a friend to the US; certainly its human rights violations are not as egregious as those of our ally, Saudi Arabia.


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