Sunday, June 21, 2020

Beginning of the End of Trump

Trump's Tulsa rally was suppose to reinvigorate his campaign by featuring the unquestioning support of his base. Tulsa was chosen to insure a large crowd and the threat of COVID and possible street violence assured the attention of the media. But the spectacle was a dud as only a tenth of the anticipated 100,000 participants materialized.

Trump's strength has always been the large attendance of his rally's; nothing else seemed to matter. Tulsa was his best chance for a large attendance and media attention. The Tulsa rally will continue to be in the news as Tulsa will be blamed for increases in COVID cases over the next two weeks.

Is this finally the beginning of the end of Trump?


  1. I did not watch this talk. I just heard on the talk shows this morning that Trump said (paraphrase): All this testing is just showing up more corona virus. so let's slow down the testing. (simple solution)

  2. All the commentators spend a great deal of time analyzing Trump. They figure he's stupid, that he's narcissistic etc. etc. I think that he's much simpler. He's just evil. He delights in evil. When he makes a decision he just seems to enjoy making an evil one and stirring things up. Were I religion I would assume that he's really Satan.


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