Thursday, June 11, 2020

Phase 2 and a Half

The Phase 2 reopenings have been extended by Governor Hogan and HoCo will follow. The extensions are in two parts starting tomorrow:

Friday, June 12th at 5:00 p.m.:
  • Indoor dining at 50% capacity, with distancing and following strict public health requirements
  • Outdoor amusements and attractions, miniature golf and go-karts
  • Outdoor pools capacity increasing to 50%
Friday, June 19th at 5 p.m.:
  • Gyms, indoor fitness centers, dance studios, martial arts at 50% with distancing and following strict public health requirements
  • Casinos, arcades, and malls
Other reopening updates:
Currently, most Maryland counties are in Phase 2. The exceptions, Prince Georges County, Montgomery County and Baltimore City, are in Phase 1. Note that every county may modify the States guidelines and individual businesses may not choose to reopen.
Please remember that the effects of the earlier reopenings and protests are just beginning to have an effect. Please continue to take precaution.

Your comments on the reopening or any other topics are welcome.


  1. I'm hoping that there will be no escalation of the disease due to the closeness of the protesters, many without masks. If this is the case, surely we can start to get back to normal.

  2. I want to introduce a topic that may be controversial. The county has stated that pools, gyms, and recreational facilities will open with limits, but Columbia Association has been silent for the most part so far. All we know is that all 23 outdoor pools will be closed to our children this year and that there won't be any summer camps for them either. I don't really know what the logic for those decisions were, but I imagine it had something to do with the difficulty with how do you decide which children get to come to the pool and which don't once limited capacity is reached. With that problem in mind, how are our CA gyms going to open in the near future? The Supreme Court was second most utilized gym in the entire country. How is Columbia Association going to decide who has access to the facilities and who doesn't? It is true that some people may decide limit their attendance on their own. Still, it is a potential problem. I don't know how many CA memberships are non-lien paying, but maybe it is time for Columbia Association homeowners association lien payers to have exclusive access to their homeowner association facilities. Does anyone have any statistics? Has anyone heard anything about how we Columbians are going to be able to get back into our recreational facilities?

  3. Well, CA has spoken. The facilities will open this Friday, June 19 with new rules. No locker room changing, no towels, now whirlpool, no sauna, no food. Pre-registration for all classes. New cleaning procedures and equipment. Masks and screening procedures for all staff. Our future in one form or another for the next two years probably. Let's hope for the best.


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