Friday, July 31, 2020

While Waiting for Biden's VP

Biden said that he would name his VP pick in August; this could be as early as tomorrow. We will be discussing it as soon as the VP is named.

On this last day of July, we can revisit the topic of Larry Hogan. I personally think that Hogan has done an excellent job protecting us from COVID. However, many have disagreed. Here is an article submitted by Jackie. Is Hogan really that bad?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Hahn on the Hotseat

The current FDA commissioner, Dr. Stephen Hahn, became the designated fall guy for Trump's outrageous claims about COVID. He got creamed on the ABC and CNN Sunday morning news shows.
For the record, former FDA commissioner, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, provided the proper answers on CBS.
Do you feel sorry for Dr. Hahn? By avoiding the questions did he do more harm to Trump and will Trump fire him? What could he have done to meet Trump's approval?