Saturday, July 25, 2020

Trump Attacks The Rule Of Law

Is this real?


  1. I am going to quote myself from an earlier blog post on March 18, 2018. World Dominance was the topic.

    "It is easy not to see the Chinese as people, but they are people with hopes and aspirations for their families very similar to our own. Where we differ is in the motivation of our values. OUR VALUES ARE MOTIVATED BY INDIVIDUALISM AND LOVE OF MONEY. Their values are motivated more by a SENSE OF COMMUNAL WELL-BEING, HONOR, AND PRIDE IN THEIR WORK. ...They have over 3000 years of continuous history. We are STRUGGLING TO MAKE IT TO 300. Time is going to tell the story."

    I didn't think the nation was going to be so severely tested this soon. Let's hope the nation has learned something from this. We will see.

  2. The US is unfortunately adopting some very bad things from Israel: tear gas, rubber bullets, military equipment, knee on neck: all of which Israel uses with impunity on Palestinians. Israel has been teaching our police these tactics. (not sure I understand your comment, Jacquie)

  3. Dory, please provide us with evidence to establish your allegations of the various things that the U.S. learned from Israel.

  4. Barry, just as I mentioned: use of tear gas, military equipment on civilians, knee on neck ... Israel has been educating our police in the use of these tactics, which were previously prohibited. I can refer you to Jewish Voice for Peace, Gush Shalom, B'tselam, If American Knew ... for further information. The US media are not a good source for anything critical of the Israeli government.

  5. An article saying Israel did not teach knee on neck: I couldn't research too much, but having spent 50 years of my life in one form of law enforcement or another, I advise you that these simple things come pretty naturally to virtually anyone. Israel does instruct in more sophisticated methods. A friend of mine was sent to Israel for 6 months to learn how to kill with his bare hands, so he could return and teach others. As you can surmise, this is not a crowd control technique.


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