Friday, July 17, 2020

Hurray for Larry

So how do you like Larry Hogan now?


  1. Test from Sherman

  2. As some have speculated, this is probably Hogan's attempt to represent the "reasonable" wing of what will be left of the Republican Party as their presidential candidate in 2024 as opposed to the far right ideological wing. Hogan surely wouldn't be alone in seeking the "reasonable" mantle. There's Gov. Charlie Baker of Massachusetts for one. Unless Baker wants to be governor for life (and I don't think Massachusetts Democrats will let him), he seems to be a logical candidate for that. Neither Hogan nor Baker is apt to win a Senate race in their state. Of course, there is likely to be a flock of right-wing fanatics (like Pompeo or Senators Cruz, Paul, Cotton, and Hawley). Then there could be both camp pretenders like Senators Rubio, Scott, and Graham.
    It's possible that Biden won't be the Democratic candidate in four years and they, too, might have a mad scramble.

    1. There's no such thing Ken as a "reasonable wing" when it come to people catching coronavirus while standing in line to vote. For I'm almost certain that Republicans will have to pay for Hogan decision in this regard. Of course Hogan knows that Quincy Coleman, a black running for Circuit Court here in HC will find it difficult to win against his Republican opponent. The latter, so much for global efforts to bring about racial justice--especially in the the criminal justice system.

  3. Don't like him any batter. Why: "Instead of mailing every registered voter a ballot — as Maryland did for its June 2 primary and an April 28 special congressional election — the governor ordered the opening of more than 1,600 polling places and 79 early voting centers while mailing all eligible active registered voters an application for an absentee ballot.

    It’s difficult to overstate how misguided Hogan’s decision is." As you see, on the one hand, he's saying he's saving on the other he sending old folks out (November Election) in cold weather to vote. This is nothing more than a continuation of the perpetration of injustice against Black people--and people of color.

  4. Regardless of what you personally think of Hogan, if he won the Republican nomination in 2024, could he carry Maryland in the general election?

    1. Not certain at all. Remember, Maryland is primarily a Democrat state, meaning that he would have to answer for Trump's corruption. Moreover, remember the growing global power of "Black Lives Matter" and the "flag controversy in Montgomery: "Now the Germantown station, in Montgomery County, finds it has triggered a fight over dueling interpretations of what and whom the flag affirms or offends. For in addition to symbolizing respect for the police, the flag has been adopted by some, including white supremacists, as a racially loaded repudiation of Black Lives Matter. Wash Post.

      Mindful of that, the county executive, Marc Elrich, ordered that the flag not be publicly displayed at the station. That was the right call, and Gov. Larry Hogan (R) made an ill-considered move by entering the fray in the flag’s favor, tweeting photographs of himself before similar flags and thereby inflaming the culture wars."

  5. In today's Post (7-18), "U.S. firm offered Md. less-costly virus tests: Hogan got supply from South Korea: Emails show state official didn't pursue lower bid" This has nothing to do with the voting process, but does have something to do with a possible Hogan run for president. (Hogan's wife, as you no doubt know, is Korean-American.)

  6. Who can think that far ahead to 2024? We might not exist as a republic then the way things are heading. We have to make it through the next 6 months to see if the nation is going to survive to 2024.

  7. Again, this results from grand weak political leadership of Republican--destroying the love of America, from inside and out.


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