Friday, August 28, 2020


 The DNC and RNC are over; so we are now done with biopics. But The Daily Show has created the biopics that should have been made. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Is there anything more to be said about the shooting and the riots in Kenosha that has not already been said? Just like mass shootings and wildfires in California, there has been so much that they do not attract the attention that they deserve. I have received requests that we talk about Kenosha, the other shootings and BLM, and so we shall.

I do think there is something unique about Kenosha, in that it is happening during the RNC and in a critical swing state. These riots in Wisconsin plays into Trumps campaign strategy. Trump is counting on the Bradley Effect, that voters fear racial riots but they don't say so when polled. So Kenosha is a gift for Trump, but will it matter.

Here are two "objective" reports of Kenosha; is either of them truly objective?

--------------------------------- Updated 8/27/20 ----------------------------------------

Trever Noah may had one of the best commentaries:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

So what do you think of the DNC?

Now that you have had time to digest all that happened at the DNC, do you think that was a success? What was your favorite speech? Which speech was the most important?

My favorite speech was also the most important. It was of course Biden's acceptance speech. The other speakers, Michelle, Barack and Kamala, did not disappoint, but we expected them to deliver. But Biden's speaking ability has become a campaign issue since it seem to be an indication of mental decline. If Biden had just managed to speak without mangling his words, it would have been a victory. But Biden hit it out of the park. He made the case for why he should be president in both style and substance. After the speech I wanted more to vote for Biden than against Trump.

There were a few times that he almost slipped up, but I thought it made his speech more powerful. The testimonial from Brayden Harrington, given shortly before Biden's speech, made it clear that the Biden campaign had embraced his handicap instead of hiding it. Do you think that Braydon had put rest to Biden's stuttering as an issue?

It seems that Trevor Noah has the same opinion:

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

End of the American Empire

 You heard it before, that the USA's global dominance is coming to an end.  But is it more certain this time?

Here is an article and a video submitted by Jacqueline.

The Unraveling of America:

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

It's Kamala

So when did you think that Biden would select Kamala Harris as his VP? How about March 15, when Biden said he was going to pick a woman. Yet Biden did milk the decision for all the press coverage he could get.

Do you think Harris is really ready to become president? She has only been a senator for 3.5 years.

Do you think she will improve Biden's polling in any of the swing states? She will probably improve Biden's numbers in her home state California, where Biden is already at 67%.

So how does Trump use the Harris pick to attack Biden? Here is a hint from Fox News.

Is the 2020 race about to turn even uglier?

Friday, August 7, 2020


 Just when you think Trump is done for, Biden opens his mouth. Biden, if elected, will be a caretaker president. His VP pick could be the defacto president and the most likely nominee for 2024. If the Republicans pick a moderate, like Hogan, they would be in serious contention to win back the White House.