Friday, August 7, 2020


 Just when you think Trump is done for, Biden opens his mouth. Biden, if elected, will be a caretaker president. His VP pick could be the defacto president and the most likely nominee for 2024. If the Republicans pick a moderate, like Hogan, they would be in serious contention to win back the White House.


  1. 1) I think the Dems. picked the worst candidate of the group, just like the Reps. did in 2016. 2) Could we discuss the safety of vote by mail; what are the possibilities of fraud? 3) Hogan for Rep. V-P: I certainly wouldn't vote for him. could also discuss Hogan's purchase of CV equipment from S.Korea at an inflated cost.

    1. Biden was not the worst candidate in the group, but he was not the best.


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