Saturday, August 22, 2020

So what do you think of the DNC?

Now that you have had time to digest all that happened at the DNC, do you think that was a success? What was your favorite speech? Which speech was the most important?

My favorite speech was also the most important. It was of course Biden's acceptance speech. The other speakers, Michelle, Barack and Kamala, did not disappoint, but we expected them to deliver. But Biden's speaking ability has become a campaign issue since it seem to be an indication of mental decline. If Biden had just managed to speak without mangling his words, it would have been a victory. But Biden hit it out of the park. He made the case for why he should be president in both style and substance. After the speech I wanted more to vote for Biden than against Trump.

There were a few times that he almost slipped up, but I thought it made his speech more powerful. The testimonial from Brayden Harrington, given shortly before Biden's speech, made it clear that the Biden campaign had embraced his handicap instead of hiding it. Do you think that Braydon had put rest to Biden's stuttering as an issue?

It seems that Trevor Noah has the same opinion:


  1. I'm definitely more against Trump than for Biden. I'd rather have someone more clearly liberal as the Democratic nominee. When Biden is elected in this Trump or no-Trump election, I hope he turns out to be better than I imagine.
    As for the Democratic Convention, I thought they did a good job in putting it together so that a lot of party people and major issues were presented to however many members of the public are interested in such. It seems that all prominent Republicans who are no longer in office feel free to express their contempt for Trump and support for the Democratic alternative. Of course, I hope Biden doesn't feel a need to put a cultural conservative like Kasich in his cabinet unless it's something far removed from anything related to education or abortion. I watched a good part of the first three nights, but nothing after Tammy Duckworth spoke on the fourth night. I thought both Obamas were great. Barack has always seemed too nice a guy for the world of politics (where the tough guys will gladly walk all over you), but he finally showed some fire in his speech. I thought Jill Biden's speech was effective and hope she, as an former public school teacher, has an effect on Joe. I hope Pence remains on the Trump party's ticket so they can go down together. He must be shuddering to think he might have to appear on the same stage as Kamala Harris. What a comparison! I'm glad Biden chose Harris rather than Warren or Duckworth for the waiting post position. Choosing Warren would have temporarily cost Democrats a seat in a Senate that could be 50-50 between the parties. Choosing Duckworth would cost us a great vote on the Senate floor on all issues and especially so on church-state separation issues. I've gone on long enough.

  2. I agree with Ken as to being more against Trump than for Biden. I disagree re Warren; she and/or Bernie were my #1 choices. Also wouldn't mind having the Obamas back again. Bernie probably signed his political death warrant when he expressed some sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians. I don't like either Biden or Harris because of their being so pro-Israel.


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