Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Midterm Election Approaches

Thursday, August 2, 2018, 10am to 11:30 in the Meeting Room (behind the fireplace)

We are less than 100 days to the midterm election and Trump is doing everything to keep the focus on him. For the next meeting, we will look at a collection of issues that may decide the outcome. I will bring some videos, but first I want to hear from you on what issues will be important in the upcoming election.

----------------------------------------- Updated 8/2/18 -------------------------------------------

Here are thew videos shown at the meeting:


  1. I'd like to know where we stand now - numbers of Republicans/Democrats, as opposed to in Nov 2016 plus what the projected numbers will be after the midterms. It will not be just Trump vs the Dems - some Republicans will win, hoping to change things and some will win in spite of it all.

  2. What do you suppose is the attitude toward the upcoming elections of those in the military who keep getting deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan? Not that other administrations were much better on this score, but the Trump administration has not even bothered to address either war, much less articulate goals, rationales, strategies, US interests, etc. Furthermore, he seems to have ignored his own generals' pleas for greater diplomatic resources to be applied to resolving these conflicts. On the contrary, he has reduced State Department personnel. Assuming that at least some portion of those in the military that we keep asking to sacrifice (with little in return save the perfunctory "Thank you for your service") are part of Trumps' base, might the wars become a wedge issue? Might some be convinced to abandon Trump and his Republican lapdogs if Democrats could make these endless wars an issue? Maybe not, but it's a question Democrats might want to explore.


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