Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Insane TV

How many of you watched the debates last night? How many of you got too discussed to watch it till the end? Has the presidential race deteriorated to point that the Proud Boys have become the biggest issue?

Saturday, September 19, 2020


What more could happen in 2020? When I heard of the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg my first thoughts were about how it would affect the current election. But then again that is what I think of all bad news these days. We do have a brief moment to remember her and mourn her passing.

So is this good news good news or bad news for Trump?

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


We just past 200,000 COVID deaths and Trump is gaining in the polls. What is going on? How is it that Trump still has a chance of winning? Are his supporters just stupid? Are we a nation of stupid people? If Trump wins, would America get what it deserves. 
Note: The 200,000 number came from Worldometer. The CDC is still reporting 195,000. I still trying to find out why there is a discrepancy.

Friday, September 11, 2020

The Lincoln Project

 In case you have not heard, The Lincoln Project is a group of Republican political consultants who are doing everything they can to defeat Trump. They know how to fight dirty and they have released a series of very timely anti-Trump ads. Here is the latest about today:

Here is the entire collection of their ads:

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


As much as you may despise Trump, his hyperbolic attacks on Biden did seem to solidify his base. Trump is counting on continued violence in the streets to turn the voters against Biden, even though they may not admit it in the polls.

There has been pushback from Biden himself and from progressives who are more against Trump than for Biden. The progressive pushback is by John Oliver, which was brought to my attention by Jackie. While Biden appeals to the middle, Oliver is appealing to the base. Who do you think will get out the vote against Trump.