Friday, September 11, 2020

The Lincoln Project

 In case you have not heard, The Lincoln Project is a group of Republican political consultants who are doing everything they can to defeat Trump. They know how to fight dirty and they have released a series of very timely anti-Trump ads. Here is the latest about today:

Here is the entire collection of their ads:


  1. I just finished reading Mary Trump's book, "Too much and Never Enough." Anyone who votes for Trump after reading this book would have to be totally dedicated to him, and not believe anything they read. (I think I know a couple people like that.) This book makes Trump look like the Wizard of Oz: all bluster, no substance.
    It's unfortunate, in my opinion, that Joe Biden is going to be the beneficiary of the presumed backlash against Trump. To my mind, he is the worst of the bunch who ran from president. I wouldn't mind having Obama back again, with Eliz. Warren as VP.

    1. And I’m reading Michael cohens book. At least he refers to himself as a sleaze but exposes so much of Trump. But it doesn’t matter his base doesn’t care

  2. If politics is now reality TV, i.e., entertainment, do you suppose Trump has any supporters who do not find him entertaining? That is, would they support him without the insult comic routine? The answer to this question may say something about the future of politics and the future of the country.

  3. Not only is politics entertainment now, but it is being negatively influenced by social media. The story of how politics, and even society itself, is being corrupted by the GAFA companies is the subject of a new documentary on Netflix called "The Social Dimension." Amanpour and Company does a segment with the directors of the film. They talk about how the public is being manipulated and how that impacts the political climate. It is worth looking at. I would link it to you if I could, but you can Google it. That is said without irony.

  4. Dory, when you say you want Bernie instead of Biden, I have understanding for your position. What I can't understand is how you can say you don't want Biden but you wish Obama was running. Biden was Obama's vice president. When you get Biden, you are essentially getting Obama's policies. Obama was a centrist. He was not at all a socialist. I don't think there is much daylight between their Middle East policies either.

    Not that Barack or Michelle need me to speak for them, but they have done their time and have made a much deserved break for freedom. They are living their lives. More power to them. I wish them the best.

    1. Jacquie, you may recall that Obama took his time in endorsing Biden. I disagree that "When you get Biden, you are essentially getting Obama's policies." I think that Obama, had he not been constrained by a Republican Congress, could have been one of our best presidents. I particularly recall his Cairo speech shortly after he was elected, in which he reached out to the Arab Muslim community. I think he could have settled the I-P issue, giving justice to the Palestinians rather than pandering to the seemingly obligatory unqualified support of Israel, despite its violations of so many international laws. Granted, this would have happened against tremendous odds, and maybe it's just not possible, given the current rehashing of the Holocaust. It seems to be agreed that the Palestinians should pay the price for the Holocaust, despite the fact that they had nothing to do with it.

    2. Well, unlike Trump, we cannot fabricate our own reality. Obama did have a Republican congress to deal with. He chose to spend his wad on healthcare. After that there was little left. He didn't bail out the homeowners during the economic crisis. He had to be coaxed into outwardly endorsing gay marriage. He didn't put his full weight behind immigration reform. He put a lot of emphasis on self-help for blacks rather than more directly addressing structural racism. He had a lot of limits to deal with as the first black president. He did well with what he had to work with. Biden will probably face a Republican Senate also. He is going to be hamstrung the same way. Change is going to have to come from the bottom, which is where real change usually comes from.

  5. Just finished watching 'The Social Dimension," and definitely concur that technology is outpacing the personal. I no longer subscribe to Facebook or any other social media (I do miss notices from my family, but can get in touch with them in other ways), but I still get emails from companies/people who think they know what I want and what I will buy. "Phones are dividing reality," as opposed to the personal. "Truth will never win" as opposed to "The truth will out," as we used to hear. The only thing that's true anymore is what the media tell us. The media will likely elect Biden, supported by Bloomberg's money, and Biden will then play his part as directed. Not that I want Trump!! but I think Biden was perhaps the least acceptable (on the basis of being too easily led) of the Dems. who ran for president. (Al Jazeera was in my opinion the best news source a few years ago when it was on TV; their motto was "we are not here for your entertainment, but just to report the news." Apparently this was not acceptable, either to the public or to the sponsors - not sure which. (How much longer before the robots take over?)


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