Tuesday, September 15, 2020


We just past 200,000 COVID deaths and Trump is gaining in the polls. What is going on? How is it that Trump still has a chance of winning? Are his supporters just stupid? Are we a nation of stupid people? If Trump wins, would America get what it deserves. 
Note: The 200,000 number came from Worldometer. The CDC is still reporting 195,000. I still trying to find out why there is a discrepancy.


  1. Mike wrote " How is it that Trump still has a chance of winning?"
    I think my heart is breaking reading that sentence. So after I get a respite from all this.. I will start a new working to get out the vote. I'm going to join Michelle Obama's ..WHEN WE ALL VOTE What else can I do? https://www.whenweallvote.org/

  2. Some stupid. Some bigoted. Some religious fundamentalists. Some, like him, totally selfish and uncaring about those outside their immediate obit. The results of this election will tell us how many of those people exist in the USA.

    1. That about sums it up. I can't even discuss it. There really isn't anything else to say.

  3. I don't think we have to worry too much that Trump will win, unless the anti-abortionists and the pro-Israel evangelicals somehow fall out of sync. Trump has done just about as much as is politically possible for Israel for the time being, and since Biden is very supportive, he will probably be given his chance. (and yes, I do think that the Zionists, both Jewish and Christian, do pretty much control who gets elected; between them, they have lots of votes.) (Pence is probably thinking that it was his turn.)

  4. My above comment confused even me. Please ignore it.


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