Saturday, September 19, 2020


What more could happen in 2020? When I heard of the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg my first thoughts were about how it would affect the current election. But then again that is what I think of all bad news these days. We do have a brief moment to remember her and mourn her passing.

So is this good news good news or bad news for Trump?

1 comment:

  1. I am too worn out by all recent events to really discuss anything, but I do want to recommend a book to those who might be interested in the Supreme Court. First, I want to pay my respects to RBG for her work and the respect she paid to those before her, namely how she stated how the work of Thurgood Marshall influenced her work for women's rights.
    However, if the truth is told, the Supreme Court has been more a body that has not defended the rights of the common man.
    There is a book called "Supreme Inequality: the Supreme's Court 50 yr Battle for a More Unjust America" by Adam Cohen that discusses the Supreme Court recent decisions against the poor, workers, voter's rights, rights for those accused of crimes that they may or may not have committed, and for corporate interests. The bottom line of the book is that we cannot depend upon the Court to save us. We are going to have to do the work legislatively, meaning electing the right people to represent us in Congress and forcing them to make the needed reforms.


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