Monday, November 23, 2020

It's Over

The GSA has finally recognized Joe Biden as the next President to officially start the transition. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has taken the media spotlight with his cabinet picks. No one really care if Trump ever concedes. Personally I feel much better it spite of COVID and all the other problems. How do you feel?

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Can Trump Cost the Republicans the Senate?

There was a good chance that the Republicans would have won at least one of the two Senate seats in the Georgia runoff on Jan. 5th, giving them control of the Senate. Georgia is still mostly conservative and Biden's lead may be more a rejection of Trump than the support of the Democratic agenda. But Trump is making the runoff election about him. He is refusing to concede and is forcing Republicans to support his wild accusations of election fraud. The two Republican Senators in the runoff have backed Trump's call for the resignation of the Georgia Secretary of State. In the meantime, Joe Manchin is assuring Georgia voters that he will prevent the Democrats from ending the filibuster rule in the Senate. 

Trump's crazy antics cannot keep Biden from the presidency, but will discredit the Republicans that support him. Trump must know this; so why is he hurting the Republican party? It may be that Trump is riling his base to raise money to cover his debts and future endeavors. Trump does not care about Republican principles, and his supports will do whatever he says even if it hurts the Republicans. Republican incumbents still fear a Trump mean tweet and will do his bidding.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Can Trump Still Win?

The day of celebration is over. Now we are asking is there a way that Trump could still win by using the Supreme Court?

Another way the election could be stolen was covered in this article submitted my Jackie,

I personally think that Trump can only steal the election with the support from the Republican establishment. The presidency will be officially determined on 12/14/20 when the electors vote. The Georgia runoff, which will determine control of the Senate, is on 1/5/21. If Trump steals the election, the Republicans risk the wrath of Georgia voters. If Biden officially becomes president, there is a good chance that Georgia voters will vote for the Republican Senators, just to maintain the balance of power. The Republicans will gladly throw Trump under the bus to keep the Senate. Right now the Republicans need to placate the Trump supporters while they let Trump go.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

President-Elect Biden

Pennsylvania has just been called for Biden, which puts him past 270, even without Arizona. Unlike, most news, AP had called Arizona for Biden since Tuesday. Soon after its Pennsylvania call, AP called Nevada for Biden, which puts Biden at 270, even without Pennsylvania.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Election Overtime

It is only a question of time for the race to be called for Biden, but the recounts and legal challenges will take the election into overtime. Biden is expected to prevail, but the chance of violence grows. The hope now is for establishment Republicans to call for a peace and to let the process plays itself out.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

So Who Won?

Updated 2:00 pm 11/7/20

AP calls the election for Biden

We did not get the overwhelming repudiation of Trump. For now it looks like a narrow victory for Biden, but the Republicans will probably hold the Senate and gain seats in the House. We can dissect how the polls could have been so wrong later, but our attention will be on Trump's attempt to use the Supreme Court to bias the vote count in his favor. Even if Trump fails and Biden is declared the winner, Trump will not concede and may incite violence. It will then be up to the Republican establishment to stop Trump and let Biden assume the presidency. If it is certain that the Republicans will retain the Senate, and thus keep the Supreme Court, they may be more willing to lose the Presidency. They will be able to stop anything that Biden proposes. All the Democrats can do is to wait for the 2022 midterm election.
I have been monitoring the election results by the minute. The best source of current information may be AP, which is what you get if you google "Election Results". The election summary was compiled by the Google search engine from data it extracted from AP. If you found a better source of free up to the minute information, please let me know.

This was the latest status.

However, the above map is not accurate since its does not show the Maine and Nebraska congressional districts. I created a better map by using the tool on the 270toWin website.


Monday, November 2, 2020

Oh My God!

Friday's Biden bus incident in Texas is a bad sign for those who hoped that tomorrow's election will bring the craziness to an end. HERE is the story.
The Trump Train was a metaphor popularize by a Trump campaign song, see item #3 on the first list of my previous blog post, Election Music Videos. Has the Trump Train metaphor encouraged violence?