Sunday, November 8, 2020

Can Trump Still Win?

The day of celebration is over. Now we are asking is there a way that Trump could still win by using the Supreme Court?

Another way the election could be stolen was covered in this article submitted my Jackie,

I personally think that Trump can only steal the election with the support from the Republican establishment. The presidency will be officially determined on 12/14/20 when the electors vote. The Georgia runoff, which will determine control of the Senate, is on 1/5/21. If Trump steals the election, the Republicans risk the wrath of Georgia voters. If Biden officially becomes president, there is a good chance that Georgia voters will vote for the Republican Senators, just to maintain the balance of power. The Republicans will gladly throw Trump under the bus to keep the Senate. Right now the Republicans need to placate the Trump supporters while they let Trump go.

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