Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Can Trump Cost the Republicans the Senate?

There was a good chance that the Republicans would have won at least one of the two Senate seats in the Georgia runoff on Jan. 5th, giving them control of the Senate. Georgia is still mostly conservative and Biden's lead may be more a rejection of Trump than the support of the Democratic agenda. But Trump is making the runoff election about him. He is refusing to concede and is forcing Republicans to support his wild accusations of election fraud. The two Republican Senators in the runoff have backed Trump's call for the resignation of the Georgia Secretary of State. In the meantime, Joe Manchin is assuring Georgia voters that he will prevent the Democrats from ending the filibuster rule in the Senate. 

Trump's crazy antics cannot keep Biden from the presidency, but will discredit the Republicans that support him. Trump must know this; so why is he hurting the Republican party? It may be that Trump is riling his base to raise money to cover his debts and future endeavors. Trump does not care about Republican principles, and his supports will do whatever he says even if it hurts the Republicans. Republican incumbents still fear a Trump mean tweet and will do his bidding.

1 comment:

  1. The first priority right now for Democrats is to put everything into winning both of those Senate seats in Georgia on Jan. 5. If both Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock don't win, it won't matter how DINO Joe Manchin votes on such much-needed matters as filibuster reform and Supreme Court expansion. If both Democrats do win, The Senate Democratic leadership needs to have a negotiation session with Manchin to see what legislation he wants passed and to make it clear to him that it's a two-way street. They'll support his bills if he supports what they want (filibuster reform and Supreme Court expansion). Make it clear to him that, otherwise, none of his pet bills will have the support of the Democratic Senate caucus. They've got to play hardball or resign themselves to losing.


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