Wednesday, November 4, 2020

So Who Won?

Updated 2:00 pm 11/7/20

AP calls the election for Biden

We did not get the overwhelming repudiation of Trump. For now it looks like a narrow victory for Biden, but the Republicans will probably hold the Senate and gain seats in the House. We can dissect how the polls could have been so wrong later, but our attention will be on Trump's attempt to use the Supreme Court to bias the vote count in his favor. Even if Trump fails and Biden is declared the winner, Trump will not concede and may incite violence. It will then be up to the Republican establishment to stop Trump and let Biden assume the presidency. If it is certain that the Republicans will retain the Senate, and thus keep the Supreme Court, they may be more willing to lose the Presidency. They will be able to stop anything that Biden proposes. All the Democrats can do is to wait for the 2022 midterm election.
I have been monitoring the election results by the minute. The best source of current information may be AP, which is what you get if you google "Election Results". The election summary was compiled by the Google search engine from data it extracted from AP. If you found a better source of free up to the minute information, please let me know.

This was the latest status.

However, the above map is not accurate since its does not show the Maine and Nebraska congressional districts. I created a better map by using the tool on the 270toWin website.


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