Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Four of a Kind

Trump's firings of the IGs should have remained in the headlines, but Trump always finds a way to distract the news away from his scandals.
So we have a president that is unfit for office, but we have a flawed challenger in Joe Biden. Joe's stuttering problem is coming back and it is hard for us to tell if his age is affecting his mental abilities.

This morning, the death of Annie Glen got the attention of the news away from Trump, at least for a moment. She also had a stuttering problem which was made famous in the 1983 movie, The Right Stuff.
As her obituary revealed, Annie had much accomplishments apart from her famous husband. Her life story can allow us not to be overly concern about Joe's handicap.

Joe Biden is at his best when he talks about how he came back from personal tragedies. He addressed his stuttering problem in this video we showed in one of our meeting three months ago.
Biden refers to the movie, The King's Speech, where King George VI learns to overcome his stuttering to rally the UK at there start of WWII.

If elected, Joe will have to undo the damage of both Trump and COVID-19. He will be facing a bigger problem than when Obama took office at the start of the Great Recession. Can a president with a speech handicap do the job?

I am reminded of a fourth stutterer from I Claudius, an old TV mini-series about the early emperors of Rome. Claudius, a member of the royal family, was assumed to be an idiot because of his speech problems. Yet, he was drafted to replace the hated overthrown Emperor Caligula because there was no one else. But Claudius turned out to be a good emperor because of his handicap, not in spite of it.

I have my doubts about Joe, but he is our only alternative to our Caligula, Donald Trump. I have decided to stop listening to Joe for signs of senility. I am going to follow what he writes, not what he says.

For starters here is his NY Times op-ed on the pandemic:
It is five weeks old and is still relevant.


  1. He's our horse and we have to ride him. The real question/problem is who is he going to pick as a running mate. His age makes this a real issue, esp. with his potential health problems. He has promised a female and there are several qualified candidates. Personally, I hope when the time comes, he picks Warren. If something were to happen, I think she is the best person to take over the job. I like Stacy Abrams, but I don't think it is her turn yet. I feel the same way about most of the other state government candidates. This is a big mess and I think it needs someone used to operating on the big stage.

    1. What do you think about Susan Rice as the VP candidate?

  2. I might vote for Biden if he picks Eliz. Warren for VP; otherwise I will stick with Bernie (the only candidate to stand up for human rights re the Palestinians, which is probably also the reason he didn't win). Whoever gets the job, Dem. or Rep., is going to have a tough time of it. It seems like the Dems. do OK, then the Reps. mess it up, and then the Dems. have to deal with it; e.g, Clinton surplus, then "W" deficits; then Obama fixing it, and now Trump with his billions of dollars of deficit because of tax cuts to the 1%. This huge debt, plus expense for the CV, will make for a very handicapped winner.

  3. I don't expect any surprises from Joe in his VP pick. It should be a woman of color with a resume. Kamela Harris is the only choice. Biden is stretching his decision until July to keep the drama going for a while. Harris's job in the campaign will be to prosecute Trump like a criminal.

  4. I had wanted a Harris/Warren ticket originally. Harris is well capable. If race wasn't a "thing" in this country, I would agree with Michael. However, when black women make strong assertions they are perceived as being "angry, black women." Remember how Michelle was treated when she first started. Biden will have to attack Trump himself. The main role of a women in this campaign is to nullify attacks of sexism against Biden and look confident to take on the main job if need be.
    Susan Rice is well capable also. Experience in campaigning is going to be important in this election, especially given the short timetable. That is my only reservation with Rice.


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