Saturday, May 16, 2020

Howard County on Limited Reopening

In spite of Howard County not meeting reopening criteria, as explained in Calvin Ball's announcement on the 13th, Ball partially reopened Howard County anyway. His announcement came after my last blog post. The partial reopening, explained HERE.

I do not understand why we are partially reopening if we have not met the criteria for reopening. It might have been difficult to keep Howard County closed while Anne Arundel, Baltimore and Frederick Counties, all with more COVID cases than Howard County, had partial openings. Our county may have a relatively low COVID cases, but we are close to the hotspots, Prince Georges County, Montgomery County and Baltimore City, which remained closed.


1 comment:

  1. I read the announcement and it seems to me that it isn't much of a reopening. The Mall is still closed, school is canceled for the year, no CA programs, not even for the kids this summer so far, no HoCo parks and rec either, no library, no gym, and most tragically, NO DOUBLES TENNIS! And of course no restaurants, bars, clubs, or music venues. I don't think we can be closed up too much tighter after 9 weeks. It is true that we are not like the Europeans who had been required to have a permit to leave the house for an hour, but for Americans who don't like to give up their freedom, I think we are shut down fairly well.


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